If you believe you’re a victim of sex trafficking or know someone who is, please dial: 1-888-373-7888 and the NHTRC will connect you with local assistance, or text “HELP” to 233733 to get help or to connect with local services.
The Journey program of OneVoiceHome is currently accepting referrals. Continue below to start the application process.
*All applications that do not meet OVH’s admission requirements or if OVH does not have an opening, will be submitted to the National Sheltered Alliance.*
Step 1 – Read through the following booklet to check out our Journey program for ages 18-23 in Lubbock, Texas.
Step 2 – Please fill out our initial application from the National Sheltered Alliance.
* All applications that do not meet OVH’s admission requirements or if OVH does not have an opening, will be submitted to the National Sheltered Alliance.*
Fill Out Application Here
Step 3 – If the application meets OneVoiceHome’s initial criteria then we will contact the applicant and send a more detailed application.
Step Four – If the applicant meets OneVoiceHome’s intake criteria and OneVoiceHome could be a good fit for them, we will set up a phone call or face to face conversation with the applicant to give them the opportunity to ask OVH questions, get familiar with the Journey program, and evaluate if OVH is the right place for the applicant to continue their journey of healing.
We have the capability for emergency placements, which can accommodate emergency situations.
Please take a moment to watch this video to “meet” OneVoiceHome.